Sunshine Coast Hospice 2023-24 Volunteer Awards
One of the greatest highlights of our community work over the past year is the recognition of our valued volunteers at our Annual General Meeting. During the 2023-2024 fiscal year, volunteers donated 6,886.30 hours in service of the Coast Hospice clients, programs and services.
This year, we awarded the Grace Award and the Heart of Hospice Award to two teams of volunteers whose contributions to hospice work have been more than substantial.
The Grace Award:
The Grace Award recognizes those who demonstrate grounded intention and engaged service while being kind and compassionate in all that they do. This year, we gave the award to three volunteers who took it upon themselves to develop our first parent grief group–dedicated to parents who have lost a child.
These facilitators significantly enhanced our hospice programming through their dedication and hard work. They took on the challenge of creating new avenues for growth within the grief realm, educating and preparing themselves to the best of their abilities. Their efforts resulted in a fully booked grief group, a testament to their professionalism and commitment that amazed staff members here at Coast Hospice.
We were overjoyed to have Diane Head, Debra White, and Joan Bech receive the Grace Award. These volunteers took on various roles, leading other grief groups, providing one-on-one companionship, sitting vigil, assisting with the Healing Arts program, and providing Advance Care Planning support.
Diana Head and Joan Bech accepting The Grace Award
Debra White was not in attendance.
Heart of Hospice Award:
The Heart of Hospice Award celebrates volunteers who give with everything they have. It is presented to those filled with wisdom, leadership, and presence who believe in the power of community partnership, compassionate support for all, and increasing Coast Hospice's capacity. We recognized The Circle facilitators for the Heart of Hospice Award this year.
The Circle is our twice-a-week wellness program for people facing a life-limiting illness and their caregivers. Beginning in the fall of 2021 with four volunteers: Mary Bragg, Helen Bristow, Patsy Green, and Moira Zealand, The Circle has become a long-lasting program with regular attendees who come for the connections and good conversations. At the end of the first year, Haley Armitage became one of The Circle's facilitators as Mary Bragg stepped down.
Together, these five volunteers have
Designed the program,
Identified community partners who support the program via sharing a passion, a new skill or education,
Lead half the sessions, researching and planning what would be of interest to the participants,
Developed a sense of community,
Most impressively, these volunteers have committed to supporting the program on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the past two and a half years, as a group contributing a total of 516 hours to The Circle!
These volunteers have given with all their hearts as they donated time, wisdom, leadership, and presence that all contribute to growing and nurturing our community of care. Mary, Helen, Patsy, Moira and Haley, thank you for creating a compassionate environment and brightening our programs and services with your presence.
Patsy Green accepting the Heart of Hospice Award on behalf of The Circle Team
Mary Bragg, Helen Bristow, Moira Zealand and Haley Armitage were not in attendance.
The Coast Hospice volunteer program is funded through donations from Sunshine Coast residents and businesses (gifts, bequests, endowments, sponsorships, etc.) and two annual grants, one from the Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary and one from the Sunshine Coast Community Foundation.