Grief Support

Our caring community is here for you.


Grief cannot be entirely healed since we cherish the memories of our loved ones forever. But the pain does soften over time. Through our grief groups and peer support, you will meet others who are grieving, learn some tools to help cope with loss and learn how to be fully present with your emotions.


To learn more or register, email our Client Services Coordinator at or phone at 604-740-0475 Ext. 3.

We are grateful to the organizations that help make our programs responsive to the needs of our community and free of charge:

Sunshine Coast Community Foundation | Ananda Fund

In-Person Grief Group

Since 2010, Sunshine Coast Hospice has hosted ongoing eight-week grief groups throughout the year at Hospice House in Davis Bay. Facilitated by trained volunteers, each weekly grief group provides the opportunity to gather with others experiencing the loss of a loved one in a nurturing and safe environment. Participants are encouraged to speak about their grief and learn ways to ease the emotional and physical symptoms of loss.

To view our list of upcoming grief groups, visit our event page or inquire below.

Individual Peer Support

Sunshine Coast Hospice has a caring community of volunteers who are trained to listen actively and compassionately, without judgment, and support you on difficult days so you do not have to feel alone. If you would like to be paired up with a trained volunteer companion, contact us today.

Complicated Grief Counselling Fund

Sometimes the situation surrounding grief and loss is so complex or traumatic that it requires professional counselling support. Sunshine Coast Hospice regularly applies to granting organizations and other sources of revenue to maintain a fund to help cover the initial costs of professional counseling for those who do not have the financial means. An interview and screening is required to access this resource.

Healing Arts: A Guided Exploration of Grief

We are grateful to the Ananda Fund for its financial support of this program.

This workshop series will use creative activities through various art media to gently encourage expression, insight, and growth in a supportive environment. You will be offered new ways to tell your story, express emotions without words, and feel connected and supported as you creatively honour your grief and the memory of your loved one(s). You don't need art experience, only a willingness to try something different. These workshops run monthly on weekends from 1-3 p.m. They occur in person at Hospice House in Davis Bay, and space is limited to eight participants.

For upcoming dates and registration, please email our Client Services Coordinator:

Yoga for the Grieving Heart

Yoga is an effective technique for releasing tension, processing emotions, and promoting relaxation. Join Camellia Rumball as she uses gentle movement to help individuals work with their grief in a small, supportive group setting. This series occurs at Hospice House in Davis Bay. To register or learn more, please email us at or call 604-840-2342.

“I have witnessed tender shifts and softening unfold in the souls of those who attend Yoga for the Grieving Heart. Through breathwork and movement, the portal to grief opens, and the light within appears.”

—Camellia Rumball

“It’s an honour to be in grief. It’s an honour to feel that much, to have loved that much.”

— Elizabeth Gilbert


Gifts to Hospice help enhance our grief care programs.

Donations are used to develop new grief groups, train volunteers, develop new curriculum, fund complex counselling services, and more.

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