Start the conversation about an advance care plan
When it comes to a Green Sleeve Advance Care Plan (ACP), one of the most critical steps is to start the conversation with your loved ones as well as your family doctor. It’s not easy to talk about your wishes for end-of-life care, but it’s an important first step to communicate your wishes in advance.
A conversation starts with reflection about your personal values and beliefs, because those are what dictate what you want or do not want in your future care. It may help if you take some time to reflect on questions such as these:
What does quality of life mean to me?
What brings me joy and makes my life worth living?
What abilities are so crucial to my everyday life that I can’t imagine living without them?
What would I be willing to give up for the potential of gaining more time?
What matters most to me?
What do I worry about when it comes to my future health, or death?
Will my spiritual or religious beliefs have an impact on my future health care?
To help you with having tough conversations, Sunshine Coast Hospice offers workshops throughout the year to help facilitate the process. In addition, we have trained ACP volunteers who you can talk to, to support you to have meaningful conversations with your loved one(s) and doctor.
In addition, we recommend this helpful website called The Conversation Project, which offers guidance, tools as well as a helpful Conversation Starter Guide to get you started. You can also download the Sunshine Coast Hospice Advance Care Planning Workbook to help you with the process.
Don’t have a Green Sleeve Advance Care Plan kit yet? Stop by Hospice House today or ask for one from your family doctor.
Advance Care Planning is about having conversations that matter