Healing Arts: A Guided Exploration of Grief
Three weekly sessions on painting and collage with Cathie Dunlop
APRIL / MAY three-week series
The “Healing Arts” series uses art-making to gently encourage expression, insight, and growth in a caring environment. Participants will be offered new ways to tell their stories, express emotions without words, and feel connected and supported as they creatively honour their grief and loved ones. No art experience is required, just a willingness to try something creative. Art supplies are provided, and registration is required (follow the yellow button below).
Join art therapist Cathie Dunlop in an exploration of grief through colour, texture and paint. During her sessions, Cathie expertly guides participants through different practices and mediums as they create unique art representing their personal journey with grief.
Cathie has experience working with children, teenagers, families and adults. She has worked in healthcare settings (BC Cancer Agency, Surrey Memorial Hospital - Adolescent Psychiatry Unit), with community organizations (Ishtar Transition Housing Society, Clubhouse Without Walls), and in private practice at the Blue Spark Art Studio. Cathie approaches all her work with compassion, creativity and caring.
Maximum of 8 participants.
We are grateful to the Marin Community Foundation for their funding support.