Healing Arts: A Guided Exploration of Grief
Third of three sessions on textile and fibre with Natalie Grambow
The “Healing Arts” series uses art-making to gently encourage expression, insight, and growth in a caring environment. Participants will be offered new ways to tell their story, express emotions without words, and feel connected and supported as they creatively explore their grief and honour loved ones. No art experience is required, just a willingness to try something new. Art supplies are provided, and registration is required.
Textile artist Natalie Grambow will facilitate the exploration of grief through texture and colour. Participants enjoy Natalie's expert guidance as they explore the process of working with fibre and textiles.
Natalie has an extensive background in design, photography, visual and textile arts as well as being an art educator and a maker. She has been an art educator since 2004.
Maximum of 8 participants.
We are grateful the Marin Community Foundation and the Sunshine Coast Regional District (Grant in Aids) for their funding support.