Give Monthly
Giving monthly provides Hospice with sustainable funding
Becoming a monthly donor is one of the best ways to support the important work of Sunshine Coast Hospice! For as little as $10 a month, you can provide Hospice with a predictable source of income each month to plan our programs for the community.
Some of the benefits of monthly giving include:
A year-end consolidated tax receipt for all your monthly gifts
An automatic annual membership to Hospice included with your giving
Convenient withdrawals from your chequing account or credit card
Hassle-free way to budget your charitable giving each year
A print copy of our Annual Report delivered to your door
The philanthropic benefits associated with supporting a charitable cause that you believe in
Being a part of our monthly donor community means that you are pledging to support families on the Sunshine Coast to have a more peaceful and meaningful end-of-life experience, and provide critical bereavement support for those left behind.
Your monthly gift can be changed or canceled at any time by contacting Hospice at 604-740-0475 or