Equity Informed Palliative Care

You are invited to a lunch and learn hosted by Coast Hospice to discuss the question, “What does palliative care look like for Sunshine Coast residents living with structural inequality?” with Palliative Care Dr. Kelli Stajduhar.

Friday, April 25, noon to 1:30 p.m. at Roberts Creek Hall
1309 Roberts Creek Road, Roberts Creek

Dr. Kelli Stajduhar is the Canada Research Chair in Palliative Approaches to Care in Aging and Community Health and a Professor in the School of Nursing and Institute on Aging & Lifelong Health at the University of Victoria. She has worked in oncology, palliative care, and gerontology for 30 years as a practicing nurse, educator, and researcher. Her clinical work and research have focused on health service needs for those at the end-of-life and their families, and on the needs of people who experience structural inequities at the end of life.

This event is free, and it’s for anyone in the community interested in this topic and/or working with communities who experience structural inequality, including precarious housing, substance use, neurodivergent disabilities, 2SLGBTQIIA+ folks, as well as those working/volunteering in healthcare, palliative care, end-of-life support, advance care planning, or estate planning.

To register, please fill out the form below or call 604 840 2342.

For more information, access their website at www.sunshineccu.com.

We are grateful to the Sunshine Coast Credit Union for their financial support of this educational community event.

Event Registration

Please complete the form below to register for this event.

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